On our wedding day

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 BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, March 25, 2011

Why Hello There!

My view as I type....
Hi! I know it has been a while but I have been a little busy! Ellie is doing GREAT! At her doctors appointment a couple of weeks ago she was 8 pounds 3 ounces! She goes to the doctor on Monday and I am curious to see how much she weighs now since she has been quite the milk monster! She eats anywhere between 2-4 hours. At night she sleeps at least 3 hours at a time (knock on wood) and we have gotten the occasional 4 hour stretch which is SOO nice! We have adjusted pretty well to having a third (human) member in our family. We still meet Brett for lunch, run errands and yes, I have time to shower! We are never on time which isn't a big deal since we weren't exactly on time before Ellie came along. The weather was beautiful up until the other day when it turned cold and gray again! Hopefully it will warm up soon so we can go on walks and spend time in the sunshine!

Sunglasses are just a little big!
Ellie LOVES baths! She can be screaming her little head off before we put her in the tub but as soon a her tush hits the water she is happy as a pig in slop! We have been giving her baths every other night and it is definitely one of our favorite things to do. We love watching her little facial expressions and there is nothing better then the smell of a clean baby!

Splish splash!
When I have time I will upload actual pictures from the camera but right now I am staring at a sleeping baby and I think I will squeeze in a quick nap before Brett gets home!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Ellie Rose Elrod has arrived and she is perfect in every way!
Here is the quick labor story. At about 8 o'clock on Saturday night I started to get contractions so Brett and I began to time them. They were coming every 4-5 minutes and lasting a minute long. We let this go on for a few hours because I didn't want to go to the hospital if I was not in labor. Since we had been taught 511 for contractions (5 minutes apart, 1 minute long for 1 hour) we decided it was time to go to the hospital around midnight. When we got there and they "checked" me they said I was only 1 cm! How could that happen?? I had been 2 cm earlier in the week! She came back an hour later and told me I was 2 cm and that when I first got there I was really closed but she didn't want to upset me. Since I was making progress they wanted to keep me and monitor me. We stayed there all night (luckily I wasn't in any pain, just anxious) and by morning I was 4 cm and admitted as a patient. They started me on pitocin to get things going and I opted for an epidural before the doctor broke my water at noon. Things moved fast after my water was broken, by three o'clock I was at 9 cm! Brett was a great coach when it came time to push and fifteen minutes after I started pushing, 7 pounds 11.5 ounces of amazing-ness was born! I cannot even explain how I felt when they put Ellie on my stomach. It truly was the most amazing moment of my life! I never felt so blessed.
I'm heeeeerrrrrreeeeee!
So in love!
The Elrods
Proud papa!
My labor and delivery experience was great and I can honestly say I would do it over and over to get the same feeling I had when Ellie was born.  My recovery has gone well and I am feeling great. We have been to the doctor twice, for a family walk and even a quick trip to target! Ellie has taken to breastfeeding pretty well and she has been feeding about every 3-4 hours which is nice. The dogs have adjusted nicely too! These last ten days have just been wonderful!! I may or may no be addicted to babies, time will tell!

Bundled up for her first walk
My sweet family
We had her newborn photos taken on Monday and I cannot wait to see them. Ellie was the perfect model. She is such a good baby!! I will leave you with some pictures of my sweet little lady!

"LL Cool Rod"
Ellie and Nana
Wearing her Harley hat for Gramps
Sweet baby girl
Ready to go home with a huge paci!
I love these two so much!!!
First bath at home
She doesn't like to be cold, obviously!